Conference Proceedings Archive


Memoria Hungariae, vol. 15

Mercenaries and Crusaders

Ed. Attila BÁRÁNY

Publication Year: 2024

Place of Publication: Debrecen

Pages: 451 p.

Language: English, French

ISBN: 978-963-490-554-7

ISSN: 2498-7795

This volume is the proceedings of an international conference „Mercenaries and Crusaders (1202–1480)” held between 22-24 June 2022 at the University of Debrecen ( It was organised and the proceedings have been edited under the auspices of the HUN-REN (Hungarian Research Network) – University of Debrecen Research Group “Military History of Medieval Hungary and Central Europe”. The conference was funded by National Research, Development and Innovation Fund. The volume is also sponsored bv the „Hungary in Medieval Europe” project under the framework of the University of Debrecen’s Thematic Excellence Program as well as the “Sources of Medieval Hungarian Military Organization in Europe, 1301–1437” research program of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund.

The original idea of a conference like that was brought forward years ago by Ölbei Tamás (Université de Lorraine, Nancy-Metz – University of Debrecen) and João Nisa (Universidade de Coimbra), for which I myself and the editorial board are grateful. It is due to their efforts that the conference was to be organised in a collaboration with the Histoire et Cultures de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Âge (Université de Lorraine, Nancy-Metz) and the Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura (Universidade de Coimbra).

Foreword 9

Sándor Ónadi

From Jerusalem to Ascalon: The role of the clergy in the last phase of the First Crusade 11

Benjámin Borbás

The use and reuse of the spoils of war during the Crusades (1096-1291) 33

Attila Bárány

Richard I’s return from the Holy Land 61

Gábor Barabás

To eradicate the depravity of heresy: a Hungarian crusade in the early thirteenth century? 87

Zsolt Hunyadi

Turcopoles of the Templars and Hospitallers (thirteenth-fourteenth centuries) 105

Gergely Kiss

Conrad of Urach, papal Legate in the service of Crusades 117

Rui Pedro Neves

The epic tale of Pedro Sanches: the infant, the mercenary and the crusader 129

Yanina Ryier

Lithuanian troops in the military campaigns of Wladyslaw hokietek in the 1320s-1330s 157

Boris Stojkovski

Mercenaries in medieval Serbian lands 73

Ágnes Virágh

Mercenary uprisings (1349, 1350) in Apulia during the dynastic war of the Angevins 191

Tamás Ölbei

Hungarian mercenaries in the service of the Signoria Fiorentina (1360-1365) 215

László Pósán

Hungarian Mercenaries in the service of the Teutonic Order 245

Ferenc Sebők

Mercenaries in charters of the Angevin era between 1342-1366 265

Nicholas Coureas

King James II of Cyprus and his multicultural mercenaries 273

Imre Solt Varga

The 1420 anti-Hussite crusade of Sigismund of Luxemburg: a case study 287

Ádám Novák

Opportunities and challenges in researching the political and military history of the Upper Regions 301

Saul António Gomes

The idea of Crusade in Portugal through the fifteenth century 317

Valérie Toureille

Violences de guerre et réforme de l’armée royale française au XVe siècle 333

Attila Györkös

Holy war and eternal peace. Crusading idea and the Franco-Hungarian relations in the 1450s-1460s 353

Zoltán Véber

Hungarians and the Crusade from the fall of Constantinople to the Regensburg Reichstag 365

Alexandru Simon

Giovanni Mario Filelfo and Michael Marullus at the Humanist frontiers of the Ottoman Empire: “international” and “national” crusading after 1453 381

László Szokola

The role of the urban military in the military organization of the late medieval kingdom of Hungary 397

Mihály Boda

Pelbartus of Temesvár’s warfare ideology: the emergence of just war doctrine in medieval Hungary 411

Ferenc Petruska

State organisational prelude and aftermath of the battle of Mohács 425

Zoltán Jobbágy

The social Wave-front theory and the forms of war 437

Authors 452


Memoria Hungariae, vol. 5

The Image of States, Nations and Religions in Medieval and Early Modern East Central Europe

Eds. Attila BÁRÁNY – Réka BOZZAY

Publication Year: 2018

Place of Publication: Debrecen

Pages: 272 p.

Language: English, French, German

ISBN: 978-963-508-881-2

HU ISSN: 2498-7794

Table of Contents


László Pósán: Die ungarische Beurteilung des Deutschen Ordens zu der Zeit von Andreas II.

Roman Czaja: Die Wahrnehmung der fremden Kaufleute in preußischen Großstädten im Mittelalter

Boris Stojkovski: Images of Hungary and the Hungarians in Serbian medieval sources. An introductory study

Libor Jan: Darstellung der Monarchie in der Königsaaler Chronik

Adrien Quéret-Podesta: East Central Europe in the Chronique du bon duc Loys de Bourbon

Levente Seláf: La Hongrie et les Balkans dans l’œuvre de Jean Froissart

Eszter Tarján: Lions of the Near East. The Royal Coats of Arms of Cyprus and Armenia in the Early English Rolls of Arms

Anastasija Ropa: Narrative Images of Religious and National Unity after the Siege of Belgrade (1456)

Piotr Oliński: State propaganda or geographical description: climate and the wealth of nations in the opinion of Polish Humanist chroniclers

Attila Bárány: War, crown and society in the eyes of a papal legate: Cardinal Campeggio’s letters to England from Hungary (1524–1525)

Attila Tózsa-Rigó: Verbindungssystem zwischen staatlicher Finanzverwaltung und der Kreditsphäre in der Frühen Neuzeit

Réka Bozzay: Wie sahen sie einander? Ungarische Studenten über die Niederlande und ihre Einwohner, Niederländer über die Ungarn

Gábor Pusztai: „Wer Vater und Mutter thod geschlagen, ist noch zu gut nach Ostindien zu gehen.“ Das Bild der ungarischen Arbeitnehmer der Niederländischen Ostindien-Kompanie


Memoria Hungariae, vol. 2

The Jagellonians in Europe: Dynastic Diplomacy and Foreign Relations

Ed. Attila BÁRÁNY in cooperation with Balázs Antal BACSA

Publication Year: 2016

Place of Publication: Debrecen

Pages: 231 p.

Language: English, French, German

ISBN: 978-963-508-833-1

HU ISSN: 2498-7794

Table of Contents


Balázs NAGY: Ceremony and Diplomacy: The Royal Summit in Buda in 1412

Gergely KISS: Un légat pontifical au service de la paix entre Ladislas Jagellon II et l’Ordre Teutonique. Branda Ier di Castiglione et la Hongrie

Ádám NOVÁK: Additions to the itinerary and seals of King Władysław I of Hungary in the light of recent Hungarica research

Paul SRODECKI: ‘Universe christiane reipublice validissima propugnacula‘ – Jagiellonian Europe in bulwark descriptions around 1500

Katarzyna NIEMCZYK: Ein Paar Bemerkungen zur moldauischen Politik der Jagiellonen an der Wende des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts

Alexandru SIMON: Habsburgs, Jagiellonians and Crusading: The Wallachian Case in the 1470s

László PÓSÁN: Die ungarischen Jagiellonen und der Deutsche Orden in der Zeit von Hochmeister Albrecht von Brandenburg (1511-1525)

Attila BÁRÁNY: The year 1526 and Jagiellonian Diplomacy

Antonín KALOUS: Jagiellonian Kings of Bohemia and Hungary and papal legates

Gábor NEMES: The relations of the Holy See and Hungary under the pontificate of Clement VII (1523-1526)

Péter TUSOR: The Hungarian Episcopate and the Papacy after 1526

Szymon BRZEZIŃSKI: Dynastic policy and its limits: the Jagiellonians and post-1541 Hungary





Memoria Hungariae, vol. 1

Das Konzil von Konstanz und Ungarn

Hrsg. Attila BÁRÁNY unter Mitarbeit von Balázs Antal BACSA

Publication Year: 2016
Place of Publication: Debrecen, Hungary
Pages: 275 p.
Language: English, German
ISBN: 978-963-508-833-1
HU ISSN: 2498-7794

Table of Contents


Sándor CSERNUS: From the Arsenal of Sigismund’s Diplomacy: Universalism versus Sovereignty

Attila BÁRÁNY: Die westlichen (englischen, französischen, burgundischen) Beziehungen des Hauses Luxemburg zwischen 1378 und 1416

László PÓSÁN: Der Konflikt zwischen dem Deutschen Orden und dem polnisch-litauischen Staat auf dem Konstanzer Konzil

Katalin PRAJDA: Trade and Diplomacy in pre-Medici Florence. The Case of the Kingdom of Hungary (1349–1434)

Péter E. KOVÁCS: Imperia im Imperium. Unterhaltung und Spektakel auf dem Konzil von Konstanz

Melina ROKAI – Péter ROKAY: János Maróti and the Council of Constance

Ádám NOVÁK: Die Söhne des Adlermannes. Ein Adelsgeschlecht in der Gefolgschaft König Sigismunds von Ungarn

Zsombor JÉKELY: Armorials and Grants of Arms: Heraldic representation of Hungarian nobles at the time of the Council of Constance

Géza ÉRSZEGI: Werbőczy and the „bull of Constance”

Péter TUSOR: The Hungarian Royal Patronage and Supremacy in the Hunyadis’ and Jagiellonians’ Age

Tamás FEDELES: The Apostolic Camera and the Hungarian Church Benefices during the Conciliarist Era

Beatrix F. ROMHÁNYI: Das Konstanzer Konzil und die Ankunft der Franziskaner-observanz im mittelalterlichen Ungarn

Réka BOZZAY: Die Peregrination ungarischer Studenten in der Zeit von Sigismund von Luxemburg

Abkürzungen / Siglenverzeichnis

Liste der Autoren



Speculum Historiae Debreceniense, vol. 1

Matthias and his legacy: Cultural and political encounters
between East and West

Eds. Attila BÁRÁNY and Attila GYÖRKÖS

Publication Year: 2009
Place of Publication: Debrecen, Hungary
Pages: 462 p.
Language: English, French, German, Italian
ISBN: 978-963-473-276-1
HU ISSN: 2060-9213

Table of Contents



Part I
Matthias in European Historiography

Matthias Corvinus: Central European Ruler or National King?
Matthias Corvinus (Hunyadi) in Czech historiography
Durchlewchtig und grossmächtig könig Matthias von Ungarn – Matthias Corvinus in der österreichischen Geschichtsschreibung des späten 15. Jahrhunderts
Attila and Mátyás – parallels and Contemplations

Part II
Frontiers of Renaissance and Humanism

Les variantes des armoiries du roi Mathias
Die Wappenverleihung von Matthias Corvinus
L’Academia Istropolitana e il suo cancellière Johannes Vitéz (1408–1472), Primate d’Ungheria. Il programma degli affreschi del suo Studiolo a Esztergom
La cité et l’empire dans la conception de Janus Pannonius et dans la politique de Mathias Corvin
“Durat et lucet” – King Matthias Corvinus in Emblem Books
The Annals of the Formulary Book of Somogyvár

Part III
Hungary at the age of the Hunyadis

Matthias Corvinus und der Edelmetallbergbau in Ungarn: das Beispiel von Neustadt/ Frauenbach
Urban development during the reign of King Matthias: the case of Debrecen and Szeged
The elite of the late medieval market-towns in the Hegyalja region
The trade of Hungary with Wallachia and Moldavia during the reign of Mathias Corvinus

Part IV
Clerics and Courtiers

Kapitel aus dem Nachleben des Humanismus im corvinianischen Zeitalter: Celio Calcagnini in Ungarn
Aurelio Lippo Brandolini A Florentine Humanist at Matthias Corvinus’ Court
Matthias Corvinus und der hohe Klerus Ungarns
I modi di acquistare benefici nel capitolo cattedrale di Várad nei secoli XV–XVI.
Some Crucial Points in Osvát Túz, Bishop of Zagreb’s Will
Mathias Corvinus and the Religious Orders in Transylvania
Archdeacon Tamás Pelei’s Glosses About the Personalities of the Transylvanian Cathedral Chapter and Episcopal Court (1515–c. 1535)

Part V
The Diplomacy of a Renaissance King

Matthias’s European Diplomacy in the 1480s
La guerre des Pazzi et les relations franco-hongroises (1478–1481)
The Ottoman-Hungarian Crisis of 1484: Diplomacy and Warfare in Matthias Corvinus’ Local and Regional Politics
Matthias Corvinus und der Deutsche Orden

Part VI
Matthias in Transylvanian Historical Consciousness

The Birthplace of King Matthias
Serving Matthias or Turning Against Him? The Case of István Erdélyi, a Nobleman from Transylvania
Matthias Corvinus’ Role in the Political Relations between Hungary, Wallachia and Moldavia. Romanian Perspectives and Images